The Offa's Dyke Collaboratory

A Research Network for Offa's Dyke, Wat's Dyke and Early Medieval Western Britain

What’s Wat’s Dyke? Wrexham Comic Heritage Trail

Welcome to the “What’s Wat’s Dyke? Wrexham Comic Heritage Trail” by John G. Swogger and Howard Williams.

We hope this comic heritage trail for Wrexham helps introduce you to Britain’s third-longest ancient monument.

Wat’s Dyke was built in the early medieval period (most likely between the late 7th and early 9th centuries AD). Today, it is a fragmentary bank and ditch surviving in varied states of preservation. When newly built, it was most likely designed as a continuous construction by the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia to dominate and control its western frontier with Welsh rivals running c. 64km from Basingwerk (Flintshire) to Maesbury (Shropshire).

Use the map to see where you can visit the monument today.

Browse the comic panels in any order to explore the story of Wat’s Dyke.

Check out the References and Resources